Deep-fried dream

09/21/2009 at 11:57 pm | Posted in About town, Deep-Fried Ambassador, Family, Local goods | 13 Comments
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Y’all, I’ve stumbled upon an Internet miracle. A glorious find that makes me want to shout YES I’m a blogger and thank goodness for that.

By writing this post, I could become the very first Deep-Fried State Fair Ambassador.

An emissary of awesomeness.

I’m not exaggerating.

Where else besides the North Carolina State Fair can you cheer for pigs racing around a track, marvel at an 800-pound pumpkin, watch 10-year-olds showing livestock they’ve raised, milk a cow and get hurled through the air on top of a giant rainbow?

All while covered in powdered sugar from the heaping tangle of fried dough you just scarfed.

Like I said. Awesomeness.

And this doesn’t even begin to cover it. When I was pregnant a couple of years ago, I watched my first demolition derby at the State Fair. Boy did that baby kick. Er, I guess that could have been from the Italian sausage smothered with peppers and onions I’d just eaten, but still, the derby rocked.

At the fair I always visit the prize cows. And watch the gigantic sow nursing her squealing piglets, a sight that, especially now that I’m a mother, never ceases to amaze.

I’ve walked through the sideshows, paid 50 cents to take a peek at the world’s smallest horse  (I’m not telling. You’ll have to see for yourself.), clutched the side of my cart on the huge ferris wheel as it crept toward the sky. Played game after game after game.

And, oh, the food.

My favorites? Fresh roasted corn dripping with butter, hand-cut fries, a hotdog (or two), a bag of miniature donuts, and if I have any room left, a ham biscuit. And an elephant ear. Ooh, or a fried candy bar. This is why you have to make it a day. Three meals = more options.

Most of all, I love the fair because of my dad. I can’t remember an autumn in my childhood that he didn’t take my sister and me to the fair. We used to have to count backwards from 100 to pass the time in the car. Once we spotted the top of the ferris wheel on the horizon, all bets were off.

My father would drop dollar after dollar until we each won a prize. He’d hold us close on the rides. Let us eat whatever we wanted. Carry all of our loot, including, one year, a cumbersome Michael Jackson poster. And as we morphed into pre-teens, he’d wait patiently while we did it all with our friends, too cool to hang with him.

I’ll always be grateful for those memories. And, this year, I can’t wait to continue the tradition by taking Small Fry to her first State Fair. With my father, of course.

Wouldn’t it be great to do that as the Deep-Fried State Fair Ambassador?

I’d blog from the pre-fair media lunch with the scoop on this year’s festivities, including breaking news on the fair’s newest fried delicacy. At the fair, I’d pound the pavement with my trusty camera and notebook, documenting our experience. The animals, the rides, the exhibits, the food. I can hardly wait to witness Small Fry’s delight.

Interview a carnie?  I’ll do it. Sample every variety of meat on a stick? You bet. Drop 20 bucks to win my kid a plastic trinket? Yep.

All in the name of Ambassadorship. And, of course, in the spirit of my love for the North Carolina State Fair.

Dad would be so proud.


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  1. I can’t think of anyone who would be better suited as the Deep-Fried State Fair Ambassador! Suzanne gets the true magic and meaning of the fair with its local ties and surprising food finds. In fact, I’d say she’s more enthralled by the fair as an adult than she was when we were kids! And she was always better than me when it came to throwing those darts at balloons…I was so jealous of the feather clip earring she won…maybe you can show me your technique?!

    • Ha! I had a feeling you were still jealous of the feather clip earring … 20 years later. Who knows? It might just make an appearance in your stocking this Christmas.

  2. Last year I went with Haley (age 7) and her mom, and my father in law. I am pretty scared of all the rides, but not Haley! And, now she is just big enough to ride some of the scarier ones. So, I sat on the ground, eating maple sugar cotton candy (my favorite) and freaking out about how high/fast SHE was going! Haley is fearless.

    Question, is the NCSU ice cream REALLY worth waiting in that huge long line for?

    • YES! And the portion is ridiculous. Enough for six people to share. 🙂 Will have to try maple sugar cotton candy this year. Sounds dee-lish.

  3. This is so awesome- you would be a perfect Deep-Fried Ambassador! I hope you win! How is the winner decided? Is there a way to vote for you? Sending lots of love 🙂

    • Thanks, Amy! The state fair folks will announce the winner on Monday. There’s no voting, but thanks so much for your support!!

  4. Great post – thanks for giving sausage props! Finally – a blog that is worthy!! I think Butcher Boys have the best italian sausage at the fair. Two years ago as I got a few bites into my sandwich and realized they put two sausages in there. Double sausage = double delish.

    Dear future deep-fried ambassador – What are these rumors swirling about deep fried butter this year? I expect a memo on that your first day in office!

  5. What a great piece. You rock CUZ!!!! We wanted to hit the Fair this year with our little ones but we will be out of town. Can’t wait for next year though. Knowing my cuz’s, I am sure ONE (mmmmm, which one??)emptied Big Al’s wallet trying for a prize or two 🙂

    • Hey Craig! Thanks for the shout. You guys will definitely have to come up for the fair next year. The kids will have a BLAST. Love to you all!

  6. Love it, love it, love it.

    I’ve structured an entire visit home next month around the fair. (Made my parents reschedule their annual pig pickin’ and everything.) If I still lived in NC, I’d apply for this in a second. Wishing you luck!

    • Hey! Thanks for writing! I love your blog. A thrill to hear from you.

      Didn’t realize you’re from NC. Hope you have a blast at the fair! Also hope your folks scheduled that pig pickin’ for when you’re in town. 🙂 Can’t beat NC barbeque on a cool fall day! Have fun!

  7. This post brings back a lot of great memories I have of going to the fair! I went every year with my dad (using his press passes) so some of my experiences were similar to yours. I’d love to read what you observe at the fair this year!

  8. You actually make me miss the fair! Deep-Fried Ambassador describes you!!

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